Steven Scudder was director of the ABA Center for Pro Bono and then counsel to the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service from October 1994 through March 2018. During his tenure at the ABA he led many successful national pro bono initiatives, presented and wrote extensively about pro bono, and provided significant consultation to volunteer legal services programs across the country. He graduated from the Franklin Pierce Law School in 1983, was in private practice for a short time, and then became director of the New Hampshire Pro Bono Program. For 10 years he led that program and the bar’s other lawyer referral and public service initiatives. Since his retirement from the ABA Scudder has served as a consultant for legal aid and pro bono organizations, has taught a course on building successful volunteer programs and has served as a member of the New Hampshire Supreme Court’s Access to Justice Commission. He has also worked with New American high school students on improving their English language skills. He is a recipient of the New Hampshire Scholars Champion Award (2019), the UNH School of Law Bruce Friedman Pro Bono Award (2013), the New Hampshire Bar Association’s L. Jonathan Ross Award for Outstanding Commitment to Legal Services (2011), and the National Association of Pro Bono’s William Reece Smith Jr. Special Services to Pro Bono Award (2008).