2017-2018 District Hearings
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution – on Friday, December 8th, students from Hollis Brookline High School, John Stark Regional High School and Milford High School converged on the Legislative Office Building in Concord to testify before panels of judges, demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the institutions of American constitutional democracy. Following the ‘Mock’ Congressional Hearings, students , teachers, parents and supportive visitors joined an Awards ceremony honoring each student individually with a 2017 We the People medallion. We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution – on Friday, December 8th, students from Hollis Brookline High School, John Stark Regional High School and Milford High School converged on the Legislative Office Building in Concord to testify before panels of judges, demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the institutions of American constitutional democracy. Following the ‘Mock’ Congressional Hearings, students , teachers, parents and supportive visitors joined an Awards ceremony honoring each student individually with a 2017 We the People medallion.
Group achievement in each of the 6 Units of study was also recognized with Unit awards. Each of the three teams taking part on December 8th, will return to Concord for the We the People State Finals to be held on Friday, January 7, 2018 , as students vie for the opportunity to represent NH at the National Finals in D.C. in the spring. We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution has been taught in NH schools in grades 4 – 12 for 31 years and is a premier Law Related Education program of the NH Bar Association.