#1988/9-17 Fee Arrangements: Union Charge for Case Settlement Services – Workers’ Compensation

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-17 Fee Arrangements:  Union Charge for Case Settlement Services – Workers’ Compensation May 11, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: A labor union may not permissibly bill its members for representation in worker’s compensation settlements. A lawyer employee of a corporation should not permit the corporation to bill for the lawyer’s services in the corporate … Read more

#1988/9-18 Legal Intern Appearance Before State Appeals Board

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-18 Legal Intern Appearance Before State Appeals Board March 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: A lawyer may permit a legal assistant to represent a client in administrative proceedings, if authorized by statute, court rule or decision, administrative rule, or regulation or customary practice.  (RuleÊ5.5; Supreme Court Rule 35(Rule 2)). A lawyer shall have … Read more

#1988/9-19 Confidentiality: Revealing Client Scheme to Defraud

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1988/9-19 Confidentiality:  Revealing Client Scheme to Defraud April 6, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: A lawyer may reveal information relating to representation of a client without consent of the client in order to prevent the client from committing a criminal act that the lawyer believes is likely to result in death or bodily harm … Read more

#1988/9-20 “Of Counsel” Relationship with Out-of-State Attorney

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-20 “Of Counsel” Relationship with Out-of-State Attorney April 6, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: There is no absolute bar to an arrangement involving a lawyer working as an employee of one firm while being listed as “of counsel” in another firm.  The fact that the firms have offices in different jurisdictions would not preclude … Read more

#1988/9-21 Advertising: Acceptance of Credit Cards

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-21 Advertising:  Acceptance of Credit Cards April 6, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: An attorney who is willing to accept credit card payments may advertise that fact.  It makes no difference whether the advertising is by print, television or radio so long as it complies with Rule 7.1 and 7.2.  (Rule 7.1; Rule 7.2). … Read more

#1988/9-22 Conflict of Interest: Public Service

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-22 Conflict of Interest:  Public Service May 11, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: The name of a lawyer who has been appointed to a high state public office may not appear in the name, letterhead or other professional notices of the lawyer’s former firm.  (Rule 7.1; Rule 7.5.) A communication contained in a lawyer’s … Read more

#1988/9-24 Municipal Representation

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-24 Municipal Representation:  Appearances Before Town Land Use Board, Actions Against the Town, or Representation of Criminal Defendants Arrested by the Town’s Police Department by Members of a Firm in Which Another Member of the Firm Represents the Town in its Collective Bargaining Negotiations August 10, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: There is no … Read more

#1988/9-25 Charging Interest on Unpaid Statements

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-25 Charging Interest on Unpaid Statements November 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: An attorney may charge interest to clients on unpaid fees, as long as two conditions are met:  1).  The attorney must comply with applicable federal and state laws.  2).  Each client must be notified in advance of the proposed interest charge … Read more

#1988/9-26 Contingency Fee Agreements in Workers’ Compensation Cases

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-26 Contingency Fee Agreements in Workers’ Compensation Cases October 12, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: An attorney may enter into a fee agreement with a client whereby the lawyer would receive a percentage of any recovery, or if no recovery, on an hourly rate.  The fee cannot be clearly excessive or illegal.  (Rule 1.5) … Read more

#1989-90/1 Attorney’s Representation of Community Land Trusts

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1989-90/1 Attorney’s Representation of Community Land Trusts November 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: In a setting involving a community land trust and a tenant cooperative, an attorney cannot undertake representation of one which could be materially limited by the lawyer’s responsibilities to another or to a third person unless the lawyer reasonably believes … Read more