#1989-90/2 Confidentiality: Off-Site Storage of Closed Client Files

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1989-90/2 Confidentiality:  Off-Site Storage of Closed Client Files November 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS The duty to preserve client confidence continues even after a file is closed, and the client-attorney relationship has ended.  (Rule 1.6; Rule 5.3) An Attorney may use outside, off-site storage retrieval services to store and maintain closed client files, … Read more

#1989-90/4 Letterhead Listing: Elected Public Official/Firm Member

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1989-90/4 Letterhead Listing:  Elected Public Official/Firm Member January  11, 1990 ANNOTATIONS Any communication contained in an attorney’s letterhead must not be misleading to the public.  (Rule 7.1; 7.5(a)) The inclusion of the name of a lawyer who has been appointed or elected to a high public office, in the firm name, … Read more

#1989-90/11 LRIS Fee Sharing Arrangement

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1989-90/11 Attorney/Realtor Related Questions March 8, 1990 ANNOTATIONS The Committee was unable to determine whether a lawyer may participate in a bar-sponsored lawyer referral service when the service imposes on the lawyer a charge based on a percentage of the fee the lawyer earns. A division of fees between lawyers who … Read more

#1989-90/12 Attorney/Realtor Related Questions

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1989-90/12 Attorney/Realtor Related Questions March 8, 1990 ANNOTATIONS A member of the Bar who is non-practicing, whether on active or inactive status, and is engaged full-time and exclusively in the real estate business is not exposed to the ethical pitfalls set out in the NH Op 1987-8/2, entitled “Dual Practice:  Attorney … Read more

#1989-90/15 Marital Mediation Representing Both Parties

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1989-90/15 Marital Mediation:  Representing Both Parties July 25, 1990 ANNOTATIONS A member of the bar may serve as a marital mediator so long as the attorney complies with those provisions of the rules of professional conduct that apply at all times to attorneys in any capacity.  (Rule 1.7; Rule 2.2) An … Read more

#1989-90/17 Multiple Representation of Parties in Commercial Litigation

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1989-90/17 Conflicts of Interest/Multiple Representation of Parties in Commercial Litigation August 25, 1990 ANNOTATIONS A lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation will be directly adverse to another client, unless the client relationship will not be adversely affected, and each client consents after consultation and with knowledge of the … Read more

#1990-91/1 Representing Position Adverse to Former Client

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1990-91/1 Conflict of Interest:  Representing Position Adverse to Former Client November 8, 1990 ANNOTATION: A government attorney cannot represent the client in a support modification hearing if the government attorney previously represented the opposing party in the original action establishing the support order.  (Rule 1.6(a); Rule 1.7(a); Rule 1.9(a)). A lawyer … Read more

#1990-91/2 Donation of Legal Services for Charitable Fund Raising

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1990-91/2 Donation of Legal Services for Charitable Fund Raising May 9, 1991 ANNOTATION: Any attorney seeking to donate professional services in lieu of money to a charitable organization (which services are to be then purchased at an auction by a donor to that organization), must insure that (1) such services are … Read more

#1990-91/3 Donation to IOLTA Prior to Joining IOLTA

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1990-91/3 Donation to IOLTA of Interest Accrued on Trust Account Prior to Joining IOLTA May 9, 1991 ANNOTATION: Rule 1.15 imposes a mandatory obligation on New Hampshire Attorneys to safeguard clients’ property and deliver such property to the clients unless another disposition is permitted by law or agreed to by the … Read more