#1994-95/5 Candor to Tribunal

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion 1994-95/5 Candor to Tribunal: Use of Questionable Evidence for the Purpose of Impeachment February 16, 1995 ANNOTATION: An attorney is prohibited from offering evidence in a trial that is known by the attorney to be false, whether or not the evidence was produced by the client or a third party (Rule … Read more

#1994-95/6 Association Staff Attorney Providing Legal Counsel to Association Members

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion 1994-95/6 Attorney/Client Relationship, Independent Professional Judgment and Conflicts Avoidance: Association Staff Attorney Providing Legal Counsel to Association Members June 14, 1995 ANNOTATION: Attorneys employed by an association to render advice on behalf of association members, like other attorneys, have a duty to render independent professional judgment under Rule 2.1 irrespective of any … Read more

#1995-96/16 Law Firms forming LLC for Purchasing Discounted Debt and Contingent Fees for Collecting the Debt

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1995/96‑16 Formation of a limited liability company by several New Hampshire law firms for the purpose of purchasing discounted debt with the member law firms then seeking to collect the discounted debt on a contingent fee basis. September 10, 1996 ANNOTATION: A lawyer shall not acquire a proprietary interest in the … Read more

#1994-95/7 Conflicts of Interest: Obtaining Security for Payment of Attorney’s Fees

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion 1994-95/7 Conflicts of Interest: Obtaining Security for Payment of Attorney’s Fees February 16, 1995 ANNOTATION: It is generally permissible for an attorney to acquire a security interest on assets of a client so long as the strict mandates of NHRPC 1. 8(a) are followed. The burden of showing adherence to NHRPC … Read more

#1995-96/8 Collection of Fees in Diversionary Sentencing Program

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1995/96‑8 Collection of Fees in Diversionary Sentencing Program March 21, 1996 ANNOTATION: QUESTIONS: May a prosecutor collect, hold, and distribute fees from defendants charged with alcohol-related violations who have voluntarily agreed to participate in a diversion program? Does a prosecutor’s clerical and administrative assistance to such a program create an impermissible … Read more

#1995-96/3 Temporary Lawyers

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1995/96‑3 Temporary Lawyers ‑ Temporary Lawyer Placement Agency November 8, 1995 ANNOTATION: Rule 5.4 does not expressly prohibit the leasing of lawyers from a business not engaged in the practice of law.  (Rule 5.4) Full and adequate disclosure to existing and prospective clients must be made regarding the use of temporary … Read more

#1995-96/4 Conflicts of Interest: Attorney Serving on Town Planning Board, Ordinance Amendment that Affects Client

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1995/96‑4 Conflicts of Interest:  Litigation Against Town When Attorney Serves on the Town Planning Board and Participation in Amendments to Town Ordinance as a Member of the Planning Board when Attorney’s Clients May be Either Adversely or Favorably Affected by Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. December 13, 1995 ANNOTATION: A lawyer who … Read more

#1995-96/10 Incorporation of Mandatory Arbitration Clause

FORMAL OPINION INQUIRY #1995-96/10 Incorporation of mandatory arbitration clause into attorney-client fee agreements, as requested by malpractice carrier. May 8, 1996 ANNOTATION: A lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation of that client will be materially limited by the lawyer’s responsibilities to another client or to a third person, or by the lawyer’s … Read more

#1995-96/7 Attorney Client Privilege

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1995/96‑7 Attorney Client Privilege December 13, 1995 ANNOTATION: QUESTIONS: Does the attorney‑client privilege preclude the inquiring attorney from answering any questions related to whether he disseminated the file to the newspaper? Does the attorney‑client privilege preclude the inquiring attorney from answering questions regarding whether he provided his client with a copy … Read more