Lawyers and Texting: Part IV

Ethics Corner Article Part IV: Text Messages and Spoliation Dear Ethics Committee, I understand that many of my clients use texting as a primary source of communication in their day-to-day lives. What concerns, if any, should I have relative to the preservation of these text communications under the NH Rules of Professional Conduct when civil … Read more

Lawyers and Texting: Part III

Ethics Corner Article Editor’s Note: This is part III of an ongoing series of Ethics Corner articles called “Lawyers and Texting” addressing this new method of communication, which brings with it ethical concerns regarding the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct (“Rules”). To read Part I, see the June 19, 2019 issue of Bar News … Read more

Lawyers & Texting: Part II

Ethics Corner Article Part II: Confidentiality and Privilege (Waivers) Dear Ethics Committee: I recently started representing a young woman who was arrested on a DUI charge. She texted me and asked me when her arraignment was and what she could expect at that hearing. I sent her an email back reminding her of the time … Read more

Lawyers & Texting: Part I

Ethics Corner Article Part I: Competence and Communication Rules   Dear Ethics Committee: I have been asked by several clients to use text messaging as my main method to communicate with them. My cell phone has texting ability and it is not a huge issue for me to communicate in this way with my clients … Read more

#2018-19/02 Relationship Between Insurance Company and the Lawyer Hired to Represent an Insured

ABSTRACT: The Ethics Committee previously issued two opinions addressing the relationship between an insurance company and the lawyer hired by the company to represent its insured. These opinions, which turned on a preliminary question of insurance law that remains unsettled in New Hampshire, are inconsistent with one another. Because it is not within the Committee’s … Read more