#2020-21/02 Municipal Representation and Potential Conflicts of Interest

An Attorney who represents a municipal Planning Board and provides advice to the Planning Board on interpreting the Zoning Ordinance in a particular matter, should use extreme caution and carefully evaluate the possibility that a conflict of interest may exist in providing advice to the Zoning Board of Adjustment on the same matter on appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Article 3 – Lawyers and Social Media Use

Ethical considerations for using social media as a means of discovery and investigation Ethics Corner Article Dear Ethics Committee: I have a client who I represent in a contentious custody proceeding. She came to me recently and adamantly insisted that I “dig deep” into the background of her ex-husband and his new girlfriend. She would … Read more

#1988/9-2 Letterhead Listing – Use of “Of Counsel” Designation by Inactive Bar Member

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-2 Letterhead Listing – Use of “Of Counsel” Designation by Inactive Bar Member December 8, 1988 ANNOTATIONS: It would be misleading for an “inactive member” of NHBA to be included on a law firm’s letterhead with the designation “of counsel”, and therefore such a designation is barred under Rules 7.1 and … Read more

#1988/9-3 Town Moderator Representation of Clients Before the Same Town Board

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-3 Letterhead Listing – Affiliated Law Firms February 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: There is no outright prohibition against an attorney who is town moderator also representing clients before the local land use boards of that municipality.  However, the attorney should be alert to particular situations which may require that the attorney decline … Read more