#1988/9-5 Letterhead Listing – Affiliated Law Firms

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-5 Letterhead Listing – Affiliated Law Firms February 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: Two or more lawyers, each of whom is a sole practitioner, may affiliate so long as each attorney observes the requirements of Rules 1.6, 1.7, and 1.10, dealing respectively with confidentiality of information, conflict of interest, and imputed disqualification.  (Rules … Read more

#1988/9-6 Conflict of Interest: Representation of Separated Parties

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-6 Conflict of Interest: Representation of Separated Parties November 10, 1988 ANNOTATIONS: A conflict of interest may arise for an attorney handling pension and estate planning matters in the dual representation of a husband and a wife who are separating. (Rules 1.7; 1.8(b)) In representing both separating spouses, if the lawyer … Read more

#1988/9-8 Conflict of Interest: Lawyer-Official/ Lawyer-Legislator Appearing Before Certain Agencies/Forums

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-8 Conflict of Interest:  Lawyer-Official/Lawyer-Legislator Appearing Before Certain Agencies/Forums December 8, 1988 ANNOTATIONS: An actively practicing lawyer who is a member of the legislature must comply with Rule 1.11A, and carefully analyze on a case-specific basis the potential for conflict, before appearing before administrative agencies or judicial bodies.  (Rule 1.11A) A … Read more

#1988/9-9 Fees: Arrangement Which Effectively Passes Costs on to a Third Party

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1988/9-9 Fees:  Arrangement Which Effectively Passes Costs on to a Third Party December 8, 1988 ANNOTATIONS: A lawyer shall not enter into an agreement for, charge, or collect an illegal or clearly excessive fee, based on various factors including the amount involved and the results obtained, and the nature and length … Read more

#1988/9-11 Conflict of Interest: Representation of Police Prosecutor

Ethics Committee Informal Opinion #1988/9-11 Conflict of Interest:  Representation of Police Prosecutor March 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: A Lawyer and the law firm having a police-prosecutor as a divorce client, will in most cases be prohibited from representing other clients in any criminal actions being prosecuted by the prosecuter-divorce client. The Rules of Professional Conduct do … Read more

#1988/9-13 Confidentiality: Provision of Information to Funding Source

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-13 h3>Confidentiality:  Provision of Information to Funding Source February 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: A lawyer shall not reveal information relating to representation of a client unless the client consents after consultation, except for disclosures that are impliedly authorized to carry out the representation.  (Rules 1.6(a); 1.6(b)) A client’s identity may not be … Read more

#1988/9-14 Client/File Retention – Transfer to a New Firm

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-14 Client/File Retention – Transfer to a New Firm February 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: The Ethics Committee is prohibited from rendering opinions on past conduct.  (Ethics Committee Rule 5) A written announcement of an attorney’s change of employment is permitted under Rule 7.3 for clients previously represented.  Under Shapero v. Kentucky Bar … Read more

#1988/9-15 Conflict of Interest: Guardian Ad Litem Representation for a Civil Suit

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-15 Fee Arrangements:  Union Charge for Case Settlement Services – Workers’ Compensation March 9, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: An attorney-guardian ad litem who is appointed to represent a child in a criminal matter and who acquires information in that criminal matter from the defendant, may later commence a civil action against the defendant … Read more

#1988/9-16 Disposition of Unused Client Funds When Client Cannot Be Located

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1988/9-16 Fee Arrangements:  Union Charge for Case Settlement Services – Workers’ Compensation May 11, 1989 ANNOTATIONS: An attorney is obligated to make a diligent effort to locate and notify a client whose whereabouts is unknown, that the attorney is holding the client’s funds.  (Rule 1.15; Rule 1.15(b)). While attempting to locate … Read more