Ethics Opinions 1990-1999

#1992 93/13 Representing a State Agency

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1992‑93/13 Representing a State Agency June 9, 1993 ANNOTATION: A lawyer, having previously represented a governmental agency can generally not represent a private client in a matter (involving a specific party or parties)

#1993-94/2 Lawyer Official Real Estate Development

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1993-94/2 Lawyer‑Official: “General Counsel” to Real Estate Development Partnership Serving as Member of Municipal Governing Body. November 10, 1993 ANNOTATION: An attorney serving, in effect, as general counsel to a real estate development

#1993-94/7 Candor to Tribunal: Use of Questionable Evidence

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1993-94/7 Candor to Tribunal:  Use of Questionable Evidence in Criminal Defense January 27, 1994 ANNOTATION: A Lawyer must not offer evidence to a tribunal that the lawyer knows to be false.  (Rule 3.3(a)(3)).

#1993-94/8 Attorney Providing Court Coverage

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1993-94/8 Attorney Providing Court Coverage June 23, 1994 ANNOTATION: An attorney that provides temporary court “coverage” for another attorney’s client must comply with all of the many applicable rules relating to representation of

#1993-94/15 Communication With Person Represented By Counsel

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1993-94/15 Communication With Person Represented By Counsel Communication With Insurance Representative Without Consent Of Defense Counsel July 21, 1993 ANNOTATION: Rule 4.2 does not prohibit direct communication by counsel with an insurance company

#1993-94/18 Use of LAWCARD to Finance Legal Fees

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1993-94/18 Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest: Use of LAWCARD to Finance Legal Fees November 17, 1994 ANNOTATION: An attorney may not participate in a credit program to finance legal fees where the attorney

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