Ethics Opinions 1990-1999

#1994-95/2 Conflict of Interest: Personal Injury Settlements

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion 1994-95/2 Conflict of Interest: Personal Injury Settlements/Brokerage Referral April 20, 1995 ANNOTATION: QUESTIONS: May an attorney refer a client to an investment broker in exchange for a referral fee from the broker if

#1994-95/3 Radio Call-In Program

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion 1994-95/3 Radio Call-In Program April 20, 1995 ANNOTATION: An attorney may conduct a radio call-in program, but is cautioned to take precautions against improper solicitation, disclosing confidential information or engaging in a conflict

#1994-95/5 Candor to Tribunal

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion 1994-95/5 Candor to Tribunal: Use of Questionable Evidence for the Purpose of Impeachment February 16, 1995 ANNOTATION: An attorney is prohibited from offering evidence in a trial that is known by the attorney

#1995-96/8 Collection of Fees in Diversionary Sentencing Program

Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion #1995/96‑8 Collection of Fees in Diversionary Sentencing Program March 21, 1996 ANNOTATION: QUESTIONS: May a prosecutor collect, hold, and distribute fees from defendants charged with alcohol-related violations who have voluntarily agreed to participate

#1995-96/1 Mailings To Potential Clients

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1995/96‑1 Mailings To Potential Clients Who May Have Need Of Legal Services October 11, 1995 ANNOTATION: QUESTIONS: May an attorney mail introduction letters to persons who may have need of legal services? Read

#1995-96/3 Temporary Lawyers

Ethics Committee Formal Opinion #1995/96‑3 Temporary Lawyers ‑ Temporary Lawyer Placement Agency November 8, 1995 ANNOTATION: Rule 5.4 does not expressly prohibit the leasing of lawyers from a business not engaged in the practice of law.  (Rule

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