Ethics Opinions & Guidance

Wire Transfer Fraud Best Practices

Ethics Corner Article Dear Ethics Committee: I have been seeing a lot of news about attorneys being the victims of wire transfer fraud, and my insurance company is asking questions about our handling of wire transfers. How

Working Remotely Under NH Rule 5.5

Ethics Corner Article Dear Ethics Committee: The American Bar Association recently issued an opinion regarding lawyers working remotely in a state in which they are not licensed to practice. What are the relevant ethics rules in New

Client Confidentiality and Technology

Dear Ethics Committee: My office recently upgraded its email service. I have started receiving daily briefing emails from the new smart assistant that is incorporated into it. They can be helpful in reminding me to get back

File Retention Guidelines

Ethics Corner Article   The ethical underpinnings of client file retention are outlined in Ethics Opinion 2015-16/05 – Client File Retention.  Federal and State statutory provisions may also bear on this issue depending upon the nature of

Part 3: Duties of Firm to Clients

Ethics Corner Article Dear Ethics Committee: I have been practicing for 10 years with the same firm and recently decided to move to a new firm that aligns more closely with my values. When I decided to

Part 1: Departing Lawyers

Notice to Clients When Changing Firms Ethics Corner Article Dear Ethics Committee: I am in the process of changing law firms. I have already provided notice to my current firm but have not yet informed my clients

Friends/Acquaintances as Opposing Counsel

Ethics Corner Article   Dear Ethics Committee:   This past month, I’ve had to two problems with opposing counsel that are new to me. In one case, opposing counsel is a good friend. In the other, I

#2020-21/02 Municipal Representation and Potential Conflicts of Interest

An Attorney who represents a municipal Planning Board and provides advice to the Planning Board on interpreting the Zoning Ordinance in a particular matter, should use extreme caution and carefully evaluate the possibility that a conflict of interest may exist in providing advice to the Zoning Board of Adjustment on the same matter on appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

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