
Unbundled Services Assisting the Pro Se Litigant

Practical Ethics Article May 12, 1999 Most lawyers have drafted documents such as letters and contracts for a client knowing that the client intended to send these documents to another person. Ordinarily, such actions would not seem

The Bill of Rights: Why Has It Succeeded

January 1992 U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, was featured as the keynote speaker during the Bar’s recent 1992 Mid-Winter Meeting Banquet on January 24.  A written copy of Senator Biden’s

Notice of Judicial Vacancies To Be Filled

Supreme Court and two Superior Court vacancies this Fall will soon be considered by the Judicial Selection Commission. One position on the Superior Court requires a land use background: The land use docket Superior Court judge shall

Efficiently Using Section Forums – Tips from the NHBA Staff

By: Nancy Gross (Website Producer) and Misty Griffith (Member Service Coordinator) Included in your section membership is access to the corresponding forum. Forums are online discussion sites where members can safely and securely converse with each other

Online Presence and Client Confidences

Maintaining Client Confidences and Confidential Information While Increasing Your Online Presence Ethics Corner Article Dear Ethics Committee, With an increased number of people working from home, I am communicating with colleagues and clients over my computer and

A Second Chance for Families

New Family Treatment Court to be Established in Circuit Courts within Sullivan County By: Susan Warner On October 16, the Department of Justice (DOJ) awarded the New Hampshire Judicial Branch $1.75 million to establish a new family

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