Home » Become a Panelist for the LRS Modest Means Program
Become a Panelist for the LRS Modest Means Program
Earn fees while helping the public
The NHBA Lawyer Referral Service Modest Means Program refers people financially over‐income for free legal services yet unable to afford the customary fees of a private attorney to attorneys who agree to charge a reduced rate for legal services.
LRS staff members prequalify potential clients by phone for initial eligibility. In order to qualify for services, potential clients have an income source that falls between 175 ‐ 325% of the federal poverty level. Clients pay a billable rate of between $80 ‐ $125 per hour, depending on their income. The Modest Means Program does not make referrals for fee-generating cases or when clients are eligible for free services or court-appointed counsel.
Attorneys can build/expand their practices through the program, while feeling good about assisting people who need help.
Approximately 1,000 Modest Means referrals are made each year, most of which are in family law, bankruptcy, criminal cases where the client is not entitled to court-appointed counsel, and landlord/tenant cases.
You will only receive referrals in your selected subject areas. There are no limitations on the number of case types in which to receive referrals, and you choose which cases to accept. There are no fees to join, and no percentage fees due to LRS!
Participation in the LRS Modest Means Program is a great way to help people in need while still earning some fees.
Frequently Asked Questions
For efficiency purposes, we do not require proof or documentation of income to qualify for the program, but you may request that they bring these items to the initial consultation. If the client did not disclose all income and/or assets in order to obtain the referral, it is not your fault if they have to call us back to be re- qualified.
Do you have a question not listed here? Contact our LRS Coordinator at (603) 715-3235.