Civics programming is available through the New Hampshire Bar Association to support educators and ensure that a high-quality civics education is available to all New Hampshire students in kindergarten through grade 12. Lesson plans and activities are available for teachers and for lawyers engaging with New Hampshire schools. Contact the Law Related Education Coordinator with any questions.

NHBA Civics Programs Meet Civics Education Requirements Set Forth in SB 216:
This Union Leader article explains how NHBA Civics Programs: We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution and Project Citizen meet the Civics Education Requirements for grades 4 – 12 students as set forth in SB 216.

60-Second Civics, by the Center for Civics Education,  is a daily podcast that provides a quick and convenient way for listeners to learn about our nation’s government, the Constitution, and our history. The podcast explores themes related to civics and government, the constitutional issues behind the headlines, and the people and ideas that formed our nation’s history and government.

We The People

Bring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights alive in your classroom with this nationally acclaimed program. For grades 4-12.

Beyond High School

Beyond High School: A Guide to Your Rights and Responsibilities provides students with basic information on their legal rights and responsibilities when they reach the age of 18 and are considered adults.

A Lawyer & Judge In Every School

The NHBA’s A Lawyer and Judge In Every School program pairs attorneys and judges with classrooms statewide to explore concepts of law, as well as rights and responsibilities of citizenship. For grades K-12.

19th Amendment Virtual Event

The New Hampshire Bar Association celebrated the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (guaranteeing and protecting the constitutional right for women to vote) by hosting the “100 Years After the 19th Amendment: Their Legacy, and Our Future” traveling exhibition at the New Hampshire State Library.

Project Citizen

Project Citizen promotes competent and responsible participation in state and local government. Program for Grades 5-12.

Civics In Action

Do students know enough about their government to pass the citizenship test? A guest attorney  presents Civics in Action to your classroom introducing students to their role as citizens and increasing their knowledge of the US Constitution. For students grades 5-12.

Explore Our Programs and Publications

Volunteer attorneys have assisted in the civic education of New Hampshire citizens through the Bar Association’s civics programs for seven decades. The New Hampshire Bar Association is committed to improving civics instruction in schools through its civics programming. Students need civics and social studies instruction to better prepare them for participation as citizens. Programs include: