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Member ID Cards
Member Identification Cards
To make it easier for NHBA members to identify themselves as practicing attorneys, the Association issues member ID cards to those members on Active status at the time of issuance. Cards are issued after each Supreme Court Admission, upon payment of Active dues and Court fees.
If you require a replacement card, or you wish to add or update a photo, please contact Member Records. There is a $10 processing fee for the issuance of a replacement card. There is no charge for updating your photo on the Website Member Directory.

Member Photos
To update your member directory photo or if you want your photo to appear on your NHBA member ID card, please submit a photo that meets the following requirements to the Member Records Coordinator:
- a color photo
- a passport-style photo / head-shot
- digital format (.jpg format preferred)
or mail a photograph to:
New Hampshire Bar Association
Member Records Coordinator
2 Pillsbury Street
Suite 300
Concord, NH 03301
Submitted photos will appear in the online NHBA Member Directory. Photos received will be posted on the website as soon as possible.