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NHBA Publication Archive
NHBA Publications on Hein Online
The NH Bar’s full publications archive is now available via Hein Online, the premier online database providing access to legal history in a fully searchable, image-based format. It encompasses Volumes 1 to 55 of the New Hampshire Bar Journal (1958 – 2015) and Volumes 1 to 33 of the New Hampshire Bar News (1990 – present).
You can access the Hein Online publication archives by going online to www.nhbar.org and signing into the My NHBar Portal with your Bar ID# and password.
Once inside the My NHBar Portal, click on the Member Services & Benefits tab.

Then, click the link to Bar News and Bar Journal Archives under Other.

The link will take you to our archive hosted by Hein Online (you must be signed in as a member to access it).
Once you are on the Hein Online page, click into “New Hampshire Bar Association” under Browse Databases by Name.

Choose “New Hampshire Bar News” or “New Hampshire Bar Journal” on the next page.

– You can search both publications at one time within the general “New Hampshire Bar Association” database in the gold search bar at the top of the first page. After entering the NHBA library, the Full Text search tab option on the search bar will search only within this database. Click Advanced Search to expand search fields or to perform a more specific or date-limited search. Click Search Help for a quick reference to commonly used search syntax.

– Within an individual volume or issue, you can use the search function – defined by a magnifying glass icon- for a page or article.

Additional Features of Hein Online:
– You can print a PDF or text version of the section you are viewing with the red “PDF” icon. Use the download icon to access other print/download options, which include the ability to download only certain pages or to use a QR code reader to save a document to your mobile device. The email tool will send a direct link to an article to another person who does not need to be authenticated to HeinOnline to access the material.
– Email a PDF link of the page or issue to yourself or a colleague with the “Email” icon
– The cite button located above the table of contents provides the document’s citation in multiple citation formats including American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago, Bluebook, and recently, the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). Copy and paste the citations, or export to Refworks, export RIS file, or export text file.
Questions? Review the Hein Online Knowledge Base at https://help.heinonline.org/kb/.