… individuals who exhibit the greatest versatility in their learned style also manifest the greatest flexibility in leadership… By exposing new lawyers to disciplines and experiences beyond the limits of their practice area, the Bar Association strives to develop future leaders both in the legal field and the broader community.”

Hon. N. William Delker, NH Superior Court

Learn, Connect, Lead

Top 5 reasons to APPLY for NHBA’s Leadership Academy

  1. Previous graduates are NHBA leaders in Sections, Committees and even on the Board of Governors!
  2.  Gain exposure to leaders in the legal, business and government communities!
  3. See the legal community the eyes of small firm, large firm, public and private sector attorney peers, while gaining a trusted circle of friends and colleagues!
  4. Shadow a judge!
  5. Attend NHBA’s two biggest member events, Midyear Meeting and Annual Meeting.

Staff Contact

Leadership Academy participants are involved in a rigorous nine-month program exposing them to various facets of New Hampshire legal practice. They are also expected to work on and complete a project enabling them to use and demonstrate the skills they have acquired.

Sample Schedule


Sept: Welcome Reception

Oct: Kickoff Retreat

This weekend event provides an uninterrupted and unrushed opportunity to introduce participants to the program and to each other.

Nov: Business Module

What does leadership in the legal field mean? What opportunities for meaningful involvement are available? What’s so unique about NH? This module answers these and other important questions.

Dec: Media Relations & Public Speaking Module

Bar leaders know how to work effectively with those who report the news. In this module, participants will meet, hear from, and be able to ask questions to the media and to attorneys who have worked with them.


Jan: Judicial Module

The relationship between attorneys and the judiciary is vital to ensure the efficient administration of justice. Leadership Academy participates will meet judges, tour courts, and learn more about the judicial process.

Feb: Attendance at NHBA Midyear Meeting

Mar: Public Interest / Non-Profit Module

This module provides an introduction to some legal oriented non-profits and charitable organizations in NH; including their purposes, the services they provide, and their leadership roles within the communities they serve.

Apr: Legislative/Executive Branches Module

Changes happens through the actions of any of the three branches of government. Here, participants learn more about how the legislative and executive branches function.

Jun: Attendance at NHBA Annual Meeting (Graduation)

Additional dates are set aside as snow dates or project time.


eadership Academy is a nine-month leadership-training program designed to

foster the professional growth
and enhance the leadership skills of a diverse group of attorneys. No more than eighteen applicants will be selected. This leadership program is designed with curriculum most meaningful for those in practice between three and 10 years.

Training: Meets October to June, including NHBA Midyear and Annual meetings. Registration fees to the meetings are covered through Leadership Academy.

Active Service: Participation in a NHBA section or committee work or other mission appropriate activity.

Mission Statement

• To promote and encourage NHBA leadership
• Identify future leaders
• Provide a program to develop leadership skills
• Provide tangible benefits to Leadership Academy enrollees