This seventh edition of TRAPS FOR THE UNWARY, edited by the NHBA New Lawyers
Committee, identifies “traps” into which both new and experienced lawyers may fall. Areas covered include:
Committee, identifies “traps” into which both new and experienced lawyers may fall. Areas covered include:
- Alcohol
- Family Law
- Landlord / Tenant
Traps for the Unwary also attempts to help members navigate the practice of law in New Hampshire. Topics covered include:
- Appeals
- Ethics
- Probate
To View Traps for the Unwary as a .pdf please click on the image below.

Did you know that Traps for the Unwary has its own CLE series, covering discrete topics in 60-minute CLEs.
Topics include:
Landlord / Tenant
Workers Compensation
Probate Administration & Litigation
and much more…